On the Eighth Day of Christmas Recipes: Christmas Pies


Ever notice how sweet focused Christmas is? Really all holidays I guess. Christmas cookies and cupcakes and cakes and pies and hot chocolate and eggnog…the list goes on! Sure there’s some savory dishes that become favorites like turkey and ham but for the most part when you go to a party or an event, the dessert is the highlight. Just think how much time and effort (and money) brides put into coming up with the perfect wedding cake. It’s a centerpiece of the whole day. For Christmas desserts, I think of cookies first, but pies…mmmm, pies are a very close second.

I’ve only ever posted one pie recipe on my blog, rightfully named the Lazy Apple Pie. And it’s for good reason. Pies are daunting to me. Anyone can put some filling into a frozen pie shell, sprinkle some crumble on top and bake. And that’s pretty much my pie experience. But to make a real pie, double crust or even *gasp* a lattice top is pretty impressive. I have a few cooking resolutions cooking bucket list for the new year, which I’ll post soon, and a real pie is certainly pretty close to the top. But for now, the Christmas pies I’m craving this year. Happy to email me your address if you’d like to ship me one! 😛

Rum Raisin Apple Pie

Photo & Recipe from Goodies by Annie

Photo & Recipe from Goodies by Annie


Cherry Pomegranate Pie

Photo & Recipes from Eclectic Recipes

Photo & Recipe from Eclectic Recipes


Thanksgiving Pie Cupcakes

Photo & Recipe from Cupcakes Garden

Photo & Recipe from Cupcakes Garden


Candied Yam Pie

Photo & Recipe from spoon fork bacon

Photo & Recipe from spoon fork bacon


Pear Cranberry Pie

Photo & Recipe from Martha Stewart

Photo & Recipe from Martha Stewart

10 thoughts on “On the Eighth Day of Christmas Recipes: Christmas Pies

  1. Pingback: Christmasaholic | Mrs. City Boy

  2. Pingback: On the Tenth Day of Christmas Recipes: Eggnog or Eggnot? | Brooklyn Locavore

  3. Pingback: On the Tenth Day of Christmas Recipes: Eggnog or Eggnot? | Brooklyn Locavore

  4. Pingback: *~* Desserts To The Rescue, Show Off Your Talents *~* « ~~Wavensongz's Blog~~

  5. Pingback: On the Twelfth Day of Christmas Recipes: The Perfect Dessert | Brooklyn Locavore

  6. Pingback: Favorite Recipes of 2012 | Brooklyn Locavore

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