For the Love of Apples

Winesap Apples

Have you been apple picking yet this year? If not, you should definitely go. NOW! The weekend is beautiful and there’s still plenty of apples if you head to the right spot. For me, apple picking is a fall necessity. Last year might have been the first year I can remember that I didn’t go apple picking. It’s a tradition that started with my family as a kid, continued with my high school friends and now I do with my husband every October.

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A Visit to Scotland


Helloooooooo! I’m back. You’ll never guess what happened. So I went on vacation. Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook probably saw a ton of photos from our trip to Scotland and Northern Ireland. Yes, I was there right around the vote, but no I wasn’t there for the vote. We were actually in Northern Ireland at that point. Anyway, prior to leaving on vacation, I was pretty disciplined about blogging in advance. The goal was to take some time off and not have to think about writing while I was away. The plan worked brilliantly. That is of course, until I came back.

The problem with vacations is you’re so stimulated, that you come back needing an extra vacation. For three weeks I’ve sat at my computer and stared with no motivation to put words to the screen. Things are starting to get back to normal and I promise I’ll have some pretty incredible recipes for you very soon (just because I took a break from blogging, doesn’t mean I stopped cooking!), but for now I’ll share some of my favorite scenes from Scotland.

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Winterfest: Live on the Vine

Looking for a weekend or day escape from the grey, snowy city?  The North Fork of Long Island is just a few hours drive, Jitney or train ride away. Now to be totally honest, just because the North Fork is on the Long Island Sound, doesn’t mean the days will be bright and sunny or even warmer. But there is wine. Lots and lots of wine to keep you warm. And for the next few weekends, a bit of jazz to pass the time as well.

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Life in the Adirondacks

Mirror Lake

I love Brooklyn just as much, maybe more even, than the next person, but everyone needs an escape. This week I’m up north in the Adirondacks. I had huge intentions of blogging this week, but vacation laziness has set in even after just one day. Generally it takes me a few days to really relax and get in the vacation grove, but everything here is perfect. Cold, but perfect.

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Escape to the Finger Lakes

Winter in Wine Country means no crowds and plenty of time to chat with the winemakers

Winter in Wine Country means no crowds and plenty of time to chat with the winemakers

Being a New York Locavore means not only eating locally but drinking locally too. Which means spending ample time sipping local wines. New York has three major wine regions–the North Fork of Long Island, the Finger Lakes and the Hudson Valley. We get out to the North Fork a few times a year. A quick day trip, courtesy of Zipcar or a leisurely train ride and we’re there. And the Hudson Valley  is practically a stone’s throw from our parents’ homes, so getting out there isn’t a problem. That only leaves the Finger Lakes. There’s no easy way to get there besides renting a car and driving the 5.5 hour trek. To make it worth it we stay at least three nights, meaning a long weekend, meaning using an extremely coveted vacation day. We take our time off very seriously and if it comes down to spending an extra day in Ireland or a weekend in the Finger Lakes, Ireland wins hands down. So, the moral of the story is, we don’t get up to the Finger Lakes too often. Though when we finally make the trek earlier this month for the first time in 4 years it made me wonder what kept us away for so long.

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