3rd Blogoversary and Blogging Shift


Today marks my 3 year blogoversary. I’d like to think I grew, a lot, especially in those first two years. But this past year has been a bit turbulent.  When I first started blogging, I saw it as an opportunity to find my place in the world, to have a voice. I loved creating and toying with news recipes then sharing it with all of you and listening to your feedback, praise and advice.

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Habit

Seared Scallops (5)It always comes down to food, doesn’t it. I enjoy the weekly photo challenges but don’t typically participate unless I can tie the theme back to food. In the case of this week’s challenge, Habit, I could only think of food habits–my rituals, how I cook and most importantly what I cook. I tell myself that I live fearlessly and for change, but deep down under my restlessness, I am a creature of habit. Right down to my cooking. I experiment with new flavors, try new recipes, but still have a number of standbys I find myself going back to at least once a month. So let me share with you my recipe habits. Some out of convenience, but mostly because they’re just so damn good.

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Maple-Olive Oil Granola

Maple Olive Oil Granola

The cooler weather has had me thinking about fall. Whether we want to admit it or not, August is almost a third of the way through and Labor Day is just around the corner. I like the summer, minus the July heat wave, but fall has always been my favorite season. Produce is at its peak, leaves change, and just enough chill enters the air. Too warm for a winter coat, but just perfect enough for a brightly colored scarf or light blanket. To me, fall is the perfect time for a stroll or hike in the woods, apple picking, or a long train ride to take in the foliage.

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My Blogoversary Gift? A Working Index!


One year. Well, one year plus two years of procrastination. I originally launched Brooklyn Locavore in the summer of 2010–just after I moved into a new position at work, on top of also getting my Master’s in Communication and becoming a newlywed (I might have written my first post on our honeymoon). It lasted about a month until I finally admitted I had no time or idea what I was doing. My schedule was overflowing and something needed to go. Not the job, that brought in money to cook all these fantastic foods. Or the Master’s degree, that was my escape from the real world and something I really enjoyed. And my husband? Well he’s pretty fun to keep around. So the blog became a casualty that I vowed to pick up once my life became a little less hectic. Last May I finished my Master’s degree (yay me!) and suddenly had a ton of extra time. It was time to blog again.

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