3rd Blogoversary and Blogging Shift


Today marks my 3 year blogoversary. I’d like to think I grew, a lot, especially in those first two years. But this past year has been a bit turbulent.  When I first started blogging, I saw it as an opportunity to find my place in the world, to have a voice. I loved creating and toying with news recipes then sharing it with all of you and listening to your feedback, praise and advice.

But lately it’s become a chore. I feel obligated to post, to not leave you stranded, but the more I knew I had to write, the less desire I had to do so. I know the shift has been reflected in my writing too. Before I looked forward to painting a pictured and sharing a story. These days, getting the recipe in print seems challenging enough. So I’ve made a decision. I’m going on hiatus.

Now, wait just a minute. This is not the end of Brooklyn Locavore. That I can promise you. I’m not sure how long this break will be–the summer, the rest of the year, maybe until next spring–but I will be back. My hope is that when I return, it will be with rejuvenation, with a new focus and fresh perspective.

So I thank you for these past three years and promise I will return. In the meantime, please seek me out on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram (yes, I bit the bullet and created an Instagram account). Good bye for now. I leave you with my 10 favorite recipes on this blog of all time. Enjoy!

Spiced Apricot Bread Pudding with Almond Cream

Apricot Bread Pudding with Almond Cream

BoozyCran (2)

Boozy Cranberries


Car Bomb Cupcakes

Pulled Pork Slider

Crockpot Pulled Pork Sliders

Goat cheese cheesecake

Goat Cheese Pistachio Cheesecake with Lemon Meyer Cream

Kalamata Olive Hummus

Kalamata Hummus

Maple Olive Oil Granola

Maple Olive Oil Granola

Maple Olive Oil Granola

Mini Tiramisu Cups

Mini Tirimisu Cups

Three Day Short Ribs (4)

Three Day Short Ribs

Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta Macerated Strawberries

Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta with Macerated Strawberries

3 thoughts on “3rd Blogoversary and Blogging Shift

  1. We will miss you. In addition to the wonderful recipes, your blog has been entertaining and informative and many of my friends follow you religiously. Please come back soon.

  2. Your blog is amazing! I just found it trying to change my life around and to give more meaning to the now – with the virus …the world is changing …I guess it had to take a virus to look within and find meaning where meaning resides XXX I see from the comments before mine, you left, and are asked to return…and you promised to do so 🙂 Stay Safe wherever you are XXX I’ll be back looking for a new post 🙂

Tell me what you think!