3rd Blogoversary and Blogging Shift


Today marks my 3 year blogoversary. I’d like to think I grew, a lot, especially in those first two years. But this past year has been a bit turbulent.  When I first started blogging, I saw it as an opportunity to find my place in the world, to have a voice. I loved creating and toying with news recipes then sharing it with all of you and listening to your feedback, praise and advice.

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Top Recipes of 2014

2014 Recipes It has been quite a year. At this time, last December I was just finishing up my first few days at a new job. A job that might drive me to an early grave, but I love every minute of it. The year started out with newness and stress all rolled into one. It’s been a trying year for family and unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to me much relief on the horizon. On a positive note, my healthy was measurably poorer at the start of this year, but by suffering through embracing a gluten-free diet (read: no more real pizza EVER), I’ve landed in a much better place. I wouldn’t go as far as pain-free, but we’re getting there. But through all the ups and downs there’s been a single constant: food. I cook when I’m sad, when I’m stressed, when I’m happy. I cook to say I’m sorry or I love you or to welcome the new season. Often, I cook just because. Yes, my blog posting has gotten less frequent as life gets in the way, but I assure you, the cooking doesn’t stop. Thank you for being there, for following my journey. For reading, for commenting and just letting me know there’s someone else reading (besides my mother). I wish you all a 2015 filled with health, happiness and good food.

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning!

Blueberry Crumble Muffins

Blueberry Crumble Muffins

Good morning, good morning! I feel like I should insert a little tune here. Mornings are really all over the place for me. Sometimes an early rise, like being at the Park Slope Food Coop for a 5am receiving shift the other day (the farmers from upstate were already there so just imagine how early they got up…) to waking up at 2pm on a Sunday afternoon, and then wondering at 7pm where the day has gone. When time permits, mornings mean breakfast. Good, slow, effort filled breakfasts. Growing up we had pancakes every Saturday morning for as long as I could remember. My brother and I would watch Saturday morning cartoons (which apparently don’t really exist anymore) and wait for our mom to prepare breakfast. Sometimes we’d help but more often not. If it was a really special day, our pancakes would be in the shape of hearts, stars or even a Mickey Mouse face.

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Warm Summer Squash and Lentil Salad

Summer Squash Lentils (3)

Squash might very well be one of my favorite vegetables. I’ve never heard a person say, “I don’t like squash.” There are so many varieties, saying you dislike squash is like saying you don’t like herbs. It’s hard to generalize. I’m not a huge fan of spaghetti squash. Perhaps it’s because I don’t quite “get it”. But shying away from that one variety isn’t going to put me off squash for life. In the summer, I love zucchini, bright yellow summer squash and all the mini variations that come with it. Winter warms me to butternut squash, acorn squash and pumpkin (yes, pumpkin is a squash too!). I put up both summer and winter varieties, shredded or chopped in the summer, pureed in the winter so I’m never without.

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Celebrate with Red, White and Blue!


Happy 4th of July! What better way to celebrate our nation’s birth than with color coordinated foods? So in addition to filling your glass with red or white wine (or maybe some blue sort of cocktail…blueberry margaritas?), here are some patriotic options to fill your plate:

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