Banana Oat Pancakes (Gluten-Free and Paleo)

Banana Oat Pancakes

It really is true, that when you can’t have something, that’s when you want it most. That’s me and pancakes. I’ve never been a huge sweet breakfast fan. I know I’ve written in the past about my weekly Saturday pancake breakfasts growing up, which resulted in boycotting pancakes for years. Then, when I finally had the ability to stomach them again, I found I didn’t really need them. Savory eggs with bacon and potatoes became my breakfast of choice. For years I would occasionally order pancakes at brunch–the menu description just sounded so tempting–eat a bit and be done. Too much sweet.

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How to Save a Dying Banana

The sad fate of a forgotten banana in our apartment

The sad fate of a forgotten banana in our apartment

Yes, I realize what you’re thinking. Bananas don’t grow in Brooklyn. So occasionally I slip a bit. I’m not perfect. See I ADMIT it! Bananas are just perfect little breakfast/snack foods. Something I can grab as I’m  running late to work and eat on my walk to the subway. So occasionally I get the craving for a banana and buy a bunch at the Park Slope Food Coop. I prefer my bananas firm and a little on the unripe side, so usually go for the ones that are still a bit green on the outside. I make sure to only purchase 4 or 5 so we eat them in time. But as you can see, sometimes my best intentions fail.

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