Bourbon Truffles Rolled in Pecans

Bourbon Truffles

I’m one of those people who ogles the truffle collection at a chocolate store. So pretty and delicate, I can stand there for hours. I don’t want to get too many (no matter the quantity, they’ll be gone in less than a day) and need to get the perfect mix. Generally that means a high ratio of dark chocolate with salty or fruit combinations. I’m not sure you’ve been to a truffle counter recently, but they’re not cheap. Anywhere from $1.50 to $5 per piece. So what does the resourceful cook do? Well learn to make truffles herself, of course.

I was surprised to learn how easy truffles are to make. Basically they’re chocolate, cream and flavor. Be gentle, this was my first attempt so while they might not look as pretty as the $5 ones you get in the store, the flavor is almost as good. And in the case you find yourself with too much truffle batter, like if you run out of cute little papers to put them in, do not fear! Scoop your extra truffle batter (every little bit!) into a small container and store it in the fridge. When warmed a bit to liquidize in the microwave, it makes a damn awesome fudge sauce for your favorite ice cream.

Plate of Bourbon Truffles

Bourbon Truffles Rolled in Pecans

  • 1 c heavy cream
  • 10 oz dark chocolate, chopped
  • 2 tbsp bourbon
  • 1 c finely chopped pecans

In a medium saucepan, bring cream to a boil. Remove from heat and whisk in chocolate and bourbon until smooth. Transfer mixture to a medium bowl and refrigerate until thick and easy to mold, about 2 hours.

Line a rimmed baking sheet with waxed paper. Drop mounded tablespoons of chocolate onto baking sheet and refrigerate for 30 minutes until very firm.

Place pecans in a shallow bowl. GENTLY role chocolate mounds into balls with hands and then roll in pecans to coat. Refrigerate truffles until set, another hour and a half. When not being served, truffles should stay stored in refrigerator.


12 thoughts on “Bourbon Truffles Rolled in Pecans

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