The Best Part of Pumpkins

Admit it, you say you love pumpkins, but you’re really in it for the seeds. I haven’t carved a pumpkin in years. Yes it’s fun, but they rot so quickly. There goes a perfectly good pumpkin that could have been turned into soup or bread or muffins. I love food too much to waste any of it. So instead I keep my one (sometimes two or three) out and un-carved for the Halloween season. After I cut them in half, roast and puree the flesh, just like I do Butternut Squash.

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Preserving the Harvest: Butternut Squash

This is the time of year where every trip to the Greenmarket results in bringing home at least one butternut squash. I love butternut squash but hate the effort it requires. Peeling, cutting, roasting… A few months ago I made a Roasted Apple & Butternut Squash salad for a dinner party. Yeah, forgot how much of a pain peeling squash is. So for the most part I stick to butternut squash puree. My secret is NO PEELING and minimal effort.

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The Lazy Apple Pie

I have made a lot of pies in my life, but proud to say I’ve never made a double crusted pie. Meaning those pretty pies with the sheet of dough over top, and the perfect little slits around the center, and perfectly crimped edges? Yeah, I don’t do those. Why, because I’m lazy. And a bit afraid. All that work, then the thought of somehow messing up the top causes way to much anxiety. So all of my pies have become “Dutch”.

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October Unprocessed: Granola

I love granola–a bit over plain yogurt, drizzled with honey, or even by the handful. My husband on the other hand eats it like cereal, by the bowlful. I’ve encouraged granola like cereals, but apparently not the same. Sorry, but granola isn’t exactly cheap and the cup rather than quarter cup makes us run through it pretty quickly. Not to mention eating that much adds a lot of calories, but that’s besides the point. So I decided buying these 2-3 cup bags for $5 was not working for our budget.

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Maple Cranberry Cupcakes

Fall is here with a vengeance and I love it! Especially after our trip to Vermont the other weekend, I feel like everything I make or want to make evokes the flavor of Fall. Rich soups and stews, maple, cranberries, pumpkin, squash, apples. I just can’t get enough.

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